

The 2013 FIG week took place at Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. The event which commenced on 6th-10th May 2013 was held concurrently at the International Conference Centre and the Nicon Luxury Hotel Abuja. The event was co-hosted by the International Federation of Surveyors and the Nigerian Institute of Surveyors.

The theme of the program was "Environment for Sustainability". Its aim was geared towards the need to enhance the relevance and role of the surveying profession in the sustainability of our evolving and dynamic physical and economic environment.

Vital issues on the surveying profession and latest developments in surveying technology, land administration and geospatial information were addressed at the opening ceremony.

UGO-KRIS SURVEY EQUIPMENT LTD alongside their international partners Suzhou Foif Co.Ltd jointly participated in the exhibition. Products like the Foif RTS 655 and OTS 682-R500 Total Station, an A30 RTK and Foif DT302L theodolite were introduced by the Foif engineers. Also on display were some Leica products and varieties of accessories, the TS02, TS06 Total Station and Leica GPS530 RTK, amongst numerous others were on display. Also displayed beautifully in the UGO-KRIS SURVEY EQUIPMENT booth was the Garmin handheld GPS of various varieties.

The UGO-KRIS SURVEY EQUIPMENT booth experienced a massive visitation by the attending guests during the event and our team was on ground to render their services effortlessly. The exhibition, which presented a medium to portray the capability and strength of the company, was recorded with success as we believe that our reputation has become a force to reckon with, both locally and internationally.